Here We Grow

The 1-Minute Habit Teachers Need Right Now

You've got a million things on your mind...

You haven’t slowed down yet and your to-do list gets longer each day.  The hardest thing  right now is that everything seems out of your control. Am I right?

One of the best ways to find some calm and normalcy in the middle of chaos is to create a daily routine or ritual for yourself.  Starting new habits now may sound like the LAST thing you need, but the daily repetition of short and simple habits can be true acts of self-care when you need it the most.

stressed 1

There's no tired like "teacher tired".

You’re one smart cookie! You already know that a restorative yoga practice, a nutritious meal, or taking a walk are habits that restore your power. They’re “good teacher juice!”   Writing in a journal daily is a beneficial daily practice that will help you in so many ways.
But…..who has the time or energy left at the end of the day to write? 
Tired Teacher

Why you need a journaling practice....

A 2020 study at Queen’s University suggests that you have more than 6,000 distinct thoughts every day.  SIX THOUSAND! 

Woa! No wonder you’re so tired!

If you love the research stuff, here’s a link for you.  Because…science is cool.

Here are just some of the benefits coming your way when you start a journaling habit.

  • Relieves stress and provides a sense of calm
  • Helps you clarify, prioritize, and organize your thoughts
  • Can improve physical health
  • Clears your mind
  • Boosts your mood and positive mindset
  • Inspires creative thinking
  • Provides insight on your feelings, strengths, and needs

A daily writing practice is a spectacular way to wrangle all those thoughts and get them working for you - not against you.

I know what you're thinking....
This sounds great! But how do I get started?


Beautiful bound notebook – check

Colorful felt tip pen set – check

Pretty stickers with inspiring quotes – check

Ultimate journaling enthusiasm – check! (Woo Hoo)

Epic Journal FAILS – check, check, CHECK! (wah, wah, waahhhh)


This one mistake weighed me down and made it HARD!  And if a habit is hard…yep, you will quit. And quit I did!  Again and again.  I tried writing at various times of the day, different notebooks, more reminders, new prompts?  It just DID NOT WORK.

I tried too hard.  I wanted it to be pretty, and profound like a tiny masterpiece of literature every single day.   Big lofty goals can just stress you out and you don’t need more of what makes you tired and unhappy.

*Big Sigh.

But, I finally figured it out.  What’s the solution?….Don’t go BIG!

So here it is …This is the 1-minute habit to start journaling and on your way to collect some of those stress-relieving, life-changing benefits.

Get ready…

Find any old notebook and whatever writing tool makes you happy.

Decide where to keep your journal when you you will use it every day.

Step 1 – Write ONE WORD.  Just one.  It can be a random word you think of at the moment, a word that describes your day, thoughts or feelings. 

Really, that’s it.  Open your book. Write the date.  And write your word.

If you are like me and sometimes get stuck trying to think of something creative or juicy….here’s a list of more than 60 ideas to get a just-right word out of your head and onto the page.

But wait....there is one more important step...

After all, this is a one-word-one-minute journal and even after your daily entry you’ll have plenty of time for the final step.

STEP 2 – Breathe.  Close your eyes and take a few nice deep, slow breaths.  Think about your word and on your last exhale…Let it go.

Tomorrow is a new day and you are doing just fine. 

Over time you may want to add even a whole sentence actually! Whew! Look at you, Go-Getter! Make it yours, just remember not to do too much or stress over it. A small habit you can stick with will bring you benefits over time as your practice grows.

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2 thoughts on “The 1-Minute Habit Teachers Need Right Now”

  1. I am not a teacher, but a retired middle aged woman who enjoys reading Gina’s posts!
    I think there is so much stress for so many reasons today so I think I can and will make time to try some of her suggestions, even if it writing just one word a day to encourage myself to keep on going and to stay positive!
    Thank you Gina for being a great motivator!

  2. Such great advice!

    Journaling has so many benefits not only for professional reflection and growth, but personal self-care and mental health check ins!

    And thank you for the research!… Beyond being inspired by other teachers and learners… The research keeps the juices flowing!!

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