Here We Grow

Ten Amazing Times for a Fresh Start

Here We Grow Again!

Back to square one.

Begin again.


Take a mulligan.

Start fresh.

Whatever you call it, starting over again can be exciting and overwhelming. Try one of these best times to start fresh and re-boot your goals to gain motivation and momentum where maybe you’ve been feeling a little “bleh.”

Speaking of Fresh Starts.... We Moved!

Just a few months ago, we jumped head first into a “fresh start” and moved over 2,000 miles away.  Talk about a BIG leap!

It was hard to say goodbye to the city, the mountains, and the neighbors we loved, but we chose to welcome new adventures! Before we knew it we were saying “Goodbye Seattle” and “Hey Y’all” to Nashville!

So here we are and even though we should be used to this by now (it’s not our first rodeo), we are having to begin again with new spaces, new bugs, foods, culture, unspoken driving rules, and finding the best places to shop.

Afterall, major life events like moving to a new city certainly have benefits and challenges but its not the only way to begin again.  I’ve discovered Ten Amazing Times for a Fresh Start to share with you!  Keep Reading!


New year’s Day has its resolutions.

September welcomes a new school year.

Birthdays are perfect for wishing and planning.

However, you don’t have to wait for a special date on the calendar or a milestone to start a new goal to grow your yourself. In fact, there are so many amazing times to start fresh and reap the benefits. 

Keep reading for
Ten Amazing Times for a Fresh Start

But first, here's your WHY!

Here are 5 BRIGHT and BEAMING BENEFITS just waiting for you to say “Heck Yeah” to starting something again.  The what?  Well that’s up to you, Darling!

A fresh start can:

  • re-spark your motivation! Feeling motivated doesn’t last forever so don’t quit on new beginnings.
  • bring your goal back into focus.  Sometimes stuff gets “fuzzy” ya know? 
  • align your daily routines, habits and choices with what matters most to you.
  • help you let go of your past misses and embrace the beautiful mess.
  • give you the chance to tweak, try new things and keep growing.

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To change behavior - you are at a huge advantage if you start with a blank slate.

Research conducted by Katy Milkman, author of How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You are to Where You Want to Be, showed an increase in success when participants began a new goal or habit during a “fresh start.”  This “FRESH START EFFECT” was present even when it was a perceived first day for something.

Ten Amazing Times to Start Fresh WITHOUT having to move!

Happy Birthday to You!

Why not give yourself the gift of a new beginning?  I mean what could be better than seizing your special day and creating a life that lights you up? Go on, blow out those candles then get planning your brand new goal!

Begin at the End. (or even in the middle)

You don’t have to wait until the start of the year.  Sometimes the first day on the calendar can slip right past you!  How about tackling your goal the LAST week of the month?  Or join a challenge for the LAST 90 days of the year.  Its never too late to start!

Embrace the Season!

Each season comes and goes and while they may look a little different, they are dependable. Why not sync up with Mother Nature and celebrate the start of each new season with your own ritual to reflect, dream and plan?

New Month, New You?

By resetting your goal every time you flip your calendar to a fresh month you will benefit from the feeling of a “clean slate”. Make a date with yourself to spend an hour or so thinking about what you want to feel, think and do in the next few weeks.

Click the link above for some helpful planning tools!

New Moon Rising

This past year I have been paying attention to the moon cycles.  Ever been in a classroom of tiny humans when its a full moon?  You’ll probably testify that the moon has some serious power! Get curious about and take a cue from the beginning of the moon cycle to pause, dream big and set an  intention.  Work on those goals and when the Full Moon Rises two weeks later, reflect and let go of what isn’t serving you.  And of course, begin again.

Make Monday a Good Day.

Let’s face it, we have all been Monday haters at some point.  But the beginning of the week is a good time to take stock and do some purposeful planning.  Don’t go over board and fill up your weekly calendar too much, but be sure to schedule some time to do things that make you happy.  If Monday isn’t your bestie, maybe Sunday evening, or Wednesday afternoon will become your routine.

What's New?

New job?  New responsibilities?  New work space?   Whether a change has come at you in your professional or personal life,  the time is ripe with possibilities.  Being intentional at this beginning can help you tackle the challenges as well as grow into your potential.  You don’t need to know everything.  Don’t try to power your way into perfection.  Just keep growing.

Stressed Out?

You might be thinking “Um, nope” on this one, but here’s the thing….when you notice you’re feeling overwhelmed, over-busy, or frustrated it is actually a perfect time to sit down and do a Brain Dump.  Get it all out and make a meaningful plan for doing just the things that matters most.  You may find adding this one small but mighty new strategy will help you get back on track.

Goal Achieved.

Good for you, You Magical Creature!  Feels good to get things done, right?  Ride those positive vibes when you finally purged your closet, completed a tough class, ran a 5K or potty-trained your toddler!  The WHAT doesn’t really mater, its all about WHO you became along the way.  Now is the most amazing time to look at your BIG DREAMS and take your next right action!  Go for it because you know you can!

Good Morning Sunshine!

Every day is a good day for a fresh start.  Before your feet hit the floor, start your day with some gratitude and decide on one thing you want to accomplish.   Get ready to Rise and Shine! 

Starting over again isn’t for quitters!  Let’s just drop that bag of baloney right now.  Can we all just agree to stop feeling guilty about pausing – pivoting – and going again?

 Let’s start celebrating regular do-overs as the opportunities they are. 

Let’s get FRESH STARTS trending!  #justkeepgrowing #freshstart

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You might as well spend time this year in relentless and joyful pursuit of your best self.  Its not WHAT you do, but WHEN and HOW you do it that matters. 

Have a big dream.

Make a plan

Stop fearing and feeling bad about the fails and misses.

Check in and start over when you need to.

Go again. And again.

Here’s to fresh starts…Comment below and tell me when you’ll embrace your own new beginning.

Take good care,

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