Here We Grow

8 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life!

Hello You

Depending on where you are in the world….this month started out all springy….and then hopped into full on SUMMER or flopped back into WINTER!  Whether you were basking in the sun or bundling up and shoveling  – I am betting that you are feeling that Springtime dance comin’ on!

My second favorite part of SPRING (after all the blooming and budding)  is getting to change the closet – hauling out my bright colors and short sleeves and stashing away the boots and bulky winter sweaters. 

And also, I love a good purge!  Some things no longer fit or match my style so…off they go to make room for the new things that are just right – for just me – for right now!

But wait, there’s more!

You may be thinking that SPRING CLEANING is all about CLEANING

While a freshly organized closet, newly arranged storage cabinets, or a detailed car can bring a smile to your face….they’re not the most important things to DECLUTTER! 

Here are 8 OTHER areas of your life that could use a good haul out, purge, and refresh this spring!

Work On Your Wellness

This winter it has been SOOOO easy to get good and comfy with all the feel-good things.  The very things that comfort us, however are sometimes NOT the things that are truly good for us.   (I’m looking at you baggy pajama pants, slippers, Netflix, and hot cocoa.)

There is no one right answer for everyone so I won’t even attempt to suggest WHAT you should be doing. 

But to live your BEST life, here are are few things to consider.

  • What am I eating that is the just right nutrition for me?
  • What foods are around that aren’t my best choices?
  • How am I moving my body in ways that serve me?
  • What can I do to sleep well?
  • Do I need to step up my water drinking habit?
When you think about how you are caring for your body, what do you need more of?  Less of?
What can you let go of or start fresh this spring to be the healthiest you yet?


Find what feels just right for YOU.

Wellness is NOT about looking a certain way for anyone else. 

It’s about feeling healthy and full of energy.

Mind Your Mindset

Do you have any of these unhelpful mindset habits?

  • Negative self-talk (Don’t be mean to yourself)
  • Mismatching Messages (Do your daily thoughts match your hopes and dreams?)
  • Untrue stories you tell your self like “I can’t…, I never….and I am bad at…”  Write these down and kick them to the curb!  Your stories are just stories and you can rewrite them!

Having the mindset that serves you does not mean being “woo-hoo” positive all the time.

(Hey, you DO NOT need to be happy all the dang time.  That’s not even a real thing.)

While you’re doing a good Spring Refresh – dust off the cobwebs in your brain – and make sure to PURGE THE THINKING that no longer fits you.

To get better acquainted with what you’ve got stored away up there in your noggin — take a little time daily to to write down your thoughts.  JOURNALING is a quick and incredible way to DECLUTTER any negative thoughts getting in your way.

Spruce Up Your Spirit

Your wellness isn’t just about your physical health and your thinking.  Now is a good time to cultivate practices that tend to your emotional well-being.

What are you doing every day, to “fill your cup”?

  • Phone a friend….having a buddy or a group to talk about your feelings is especially important after this challenging year.  Who’s in your circle?
  • Make a list of the little things that make you feel happy and actually schedule time on your planner to enjoy them.  Click here to download a freebie “It’s The Little Things”  
  • Get out of a rut and try something new this season!  Learn to meditate, draw, hike, play the trumpet, or macrame.     WHY NOT?

Music is magical!!  It helps to ease our minds and hearts like nothing else.  Need an uplifting playlist? Check out this post for…..80 Uplifting Songs

“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor – it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.” ~ Peter Walsh

Polish Up Your Goals and Habits

Getting intentional with a new goal isn’t just for the beginning of a school year or January 1st!  Setting a goal or working on some new habits will give you a super boost of energy to get you through the school year.

Just don’t overdo it!  Pick something that will feel good and is small and simple enough to stick to it!

Click here for some Goal-Inspiration Spring Forward…with a New Goal!

And click here for FREE STUFF – find goal and habit planning sheets to get you going!

Sort Out Your Spaces

If you know, YOU KNOW! (Not an actual photo – but it still makes me shudder!)

I am sure I have been both the victim and the perpetrator of the dreaded teacher storage closet debacle.  No matter how much we love order and how hard we try to keep it neat …stuff happens.

And it drives us nuts.  (mostly)  Clutter can stress us out, distract us from what is important, and get out of control really fast!

Remember, simple is best.  This spring be more mindful of what is around you and make a list of all the things you could reduce, re-use, or recycle. 

  • Start Small!
  • Clear out one small space at a time  (your desk or car, one cupboard…)
  • Keep only what you need or makes you happy
  • Get rid of what you no longer use or love
  • “Let it go!” just like Elsa

Tidy Your Time


Time Management is dumb. 

(There.  I said it and I’m not sorry!)

You get 168 hours every week and no matter how you might try to win a medal in efficiency or multi-tasking, YOU CAN’T MANAGE TIME!

You can only make sure that you are using your precious minutes do what is important.  TO YOU.

Effective is more important than efficient.

Try this -Make a list of what is important to you and then write out your schedule.  No cheating…write your typical “Day in the Life”.  Put to paper every detail of how you are using your time and then compare.

Are the things most valued by you getting your time?  How often are you spending time on things that don’t serve you?

If your packed schedule isn’t your ideal – what can you let go of to make more time for WHAT MATTERS MOST?

"The way we spend our time - defines who we are." ~Johnathan Estris

Put a Shine on Your Relationships

I bet you are always doing things for others.  I see you! You’re the best at planning for your class, your family, your friends-night-out, and your work-team potluck…all in one day. You’re amazing!

We all need people in our lives in that are truly “on our team”!  Who cheers YOU on when you’re trying something new and scary?   Who cheers YOU up after a bad day?  Who calls YOU out when you need it? 

While you are spring cleaning this season think about the people who are giving you all the love and show them some extra appreciation.  Write a note, text, or video chat to let them know they’re “your people”.

Now…for everyone else….sometimes there are those that ….well… they aren’t always showing up or are giving way too many negative vibes.  Perhaps some people could stand to take a little less of your time and energy.  You certainly don’t need to cut anyone out….but maybe give them a little less space in your head and heart this season and see if this fits. 

Clear boundaries are a form of self-care.  Take good care of you, too!

Clear Out Your Tech and Unplug

If you are like a lot of people, your phone is full of old texts, emails, screenshots and social media notifications that are weighing you down!  

How about your computer files?  Do you really need all those old documents?  How’s your desktop looking? (I just did a serious desk-top folder tidy this week!  It took less than an hour to reorganize and purge and re-label things….I can now actually find things and Oh!  It feels so good! I can think again!)

You’re so busy…I know!  You can do it! Set a timer for 15-20 minutes here and there.  Write it in your planner or set up a reminder on your phone.  Just a few minutes every day for a week and you’ll have it all cleaned up in no time.

While you’re at it…if you’re feeling REALLY in the mood to PURGE what no longer serves…delete some time wasting apps or accounts that cause you more stress than joy. It’s okay to take a break from social media distractions.  You can always come back when it feels right.  

technology clean up

Whatever you choose to do this SPRING CLEANING SEASON, let it bring you all those fun, fresh feelings.  Out with the old and in with the new – just right for you- good stuff!

I’d love to hear from you!


Drop a comment below and share your best life-hacks for de-cluttering all the things!

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Take good care!  Happy Spring!

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